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Saturday, February 7, 2009

Birthday Gift Ideas!

Gift Ideas For Men:
A wallet.
A watch.
Netflix. (You can now get it through Xbox Live if he has that game system.)
An engraved picture frame.
A key chain that has some type of significance or is engraved.
A calendar with either cute or sexy pictures of yourself.
An Ipod.
Fill his gas tank.
Take him out for dinner for a change.
DVDs, CDs and video games.
Tickets to a concert.
Clean up his room or car when he's not home.

Gift Ideas For Women:
Necklace, earrings, bracelet, rings... etc.
Fill her gas tank.
Roses and chocolates.
Tickets to a concert.
Engraved picture frame.
A star. (Yes, I mean an actual star.)
A subscription to her favorite magazine.
A monthly Flowers Club card.
A dream book for her to record her dreams.
A nice journal.
A nice make up bag.
Agree to take dance lessons with her.

Ideas & Gifts to Make:
A scrapbook.
A collage of pictures of you two.
A picture frame.
Cookies or a cake that you can decorate in the shape of a heart.
A mix tape or CD.
A decorated jar with 100 little notes inside that each read a reason you love them.
A calendar of pictures of you two & write out all of your special dates (anniversary, first time you said "I love you".. etc.) You can make these at Walmart.
A memory box. Fill it with special photos, letters and just any momentos from your relationship.
Love and favor coupons.
A dream catcher.
Write a poem or song about your relationship.
Make a heart shaped box out of clay and then paint it.